Sol Plaatje makes history

SABC reported on Monday 12 January that the newly established Sol Plaatje University is making history, by being the first institute on the continent to offer a degree in Data Science. The first group of students that registered at the university in 2014 obtained an 80% pass rate. Enrollment increased from 105 in 2014 to 375.

Astonishing: high tech university future

'Frankly, I do not like teenage geeks with takkies, straight out of college, predicting the collapse of “brick and mortar” universities and the advent of a brave new world in which college comes to you through a computer screen,' says Professor Jonathan Jansen, in an online Rand Daily Mail Online article.

Annual Report 2014

PURCO SA had a very succesful year, with strong advances across all major indices. You can view the electronic version of the Annual Report below. 

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PURCO SA embraces social media

PURCO SA has embarked on a very exciting new chapter, that starts now. With traditional communication tools on the decline, we need to move with the times to stay in touch and enhance our engagement with members and suppliers. We encourage you to join us on our new Twitter, Facebook and Youtube platforms: talk to us, give us feedback and use them to your advantage.

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Welcome to PURCO SA. We look forward to assisting you.

2014 Conference: save the date

The 2014 PURCO SA Conference and Exhibition will be hosted at the Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre in Boksburg, from 22-24 October. This years' conference promises a mindshift in approach and execution: expect a radical new experience with exceptional content and networking for members and suppliers.
